Cow Dust and Cattle Country
This is a podcast about ranching rights, cowboys, cattle, wildlife, the land government overreach, pseudo environmentalism and its effects on small ranch families and your food supply. It doesn’t even have a podcast category that fits it below. It’s about Agriculture and stewardship, and small family ranchers.
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Surviving the Mexican Wolf Program, barely
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Twenty-five Years into the Mexican Wolf recovery program, and it's been a ride.
We will use this episode to scratch the surface of how wolves have impacted ranchers in the southwest, the way they are managed and our personal experiences with surviving in ranching with these animals on the landscape.
Monday Mar 27, 2023
What’s Up With That Grazing Permit
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Where do ranchers get their rights on federally administered land? It might surprise you. It sure would surprise the USFS if they actually read the law and their own regulations. Carolyn takes the reigns and points out how The Homestead Act, The Stockraising Homestead Act, The Congress, and The President were all instrumental in ensuring Ranchers Have Rights.
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Grazing in Wilderness, an Historic Perspective
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
The wilderness and USFS allotments were not set aside to preserve they were actually set aside to provide economic benefits to local communities.
This week we take a look at historical references to livestock cattle and grazing and how ranching began in the southwest, centuries before the USFS became a thing.
How did native Americans and Historic Spaniards start the cattle populations in the Gila Region long before settlers under the homestead act even moved into the region. Nope the cattle are no more infiltrators than wild horses. And Carolyn is pretending to be a pilot with her new headphone Mic combo.
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Discussing The Wild Cow Killing in the Gila Wilderness
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Monday Mar 06, 2023
How did a small herd of feral cattle become the focus of anti-ranching radical environmentalists and how did the Gila Forest Service contribute to the brutal slaying of this cow herd. The background history and tragic story behind the cow slaughter on the Gila.
Wilderness Designation and Livestock Grazing: The Gila Example NMSU RITF publication 83
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Feb 27, 2023 trailer. Cow Tracks on the Trail
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Introducing Cow Dust and Cattle Country, a podcast on ranching in the west and it’s challenges, especially when small family ranches, must depend on federally administered grazing allotments. Laura Schneberger and Carolyn Nelson, both lifelong ranch wives and ranch partners, discuss the history of federally administered grazing allotments and ongoing issues facing those family run operations today. Issues like dealing with federal agencies that administer the lands for public and private uses, endangered species management, and the difficulty of always being at risk of the next sue and settle lawsuit designed to end grazing on federally administered allotments.
Cow Dust and Cattle Country
This is a podcast about ranching rights, cowboys, cattle, wildlife, the land government overreach, pseudo environmentalism and its affects on ranch families and your food supply. It doesn’t even have a podcast category that fits it below. Its about Agriculture and stewardship, and small family ranchers.
Your Hosts
Laura Schneberger and Carolyn Nelson are both long time ranch wives, and moms.
Partners in life and raising kids and cattle active in retaining the ownership and management of small family ranches that have historically been the economic basis of western communities.
Laura Schneberger